Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What is Instructional Technology, anyway?

This is a great question...

Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines the term Fusion as a merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole.

This is what instructional technology should be.  FUSION!

What would our classrooms look like if we merged, what has been long viewed as two diverse, distinct, or separate parts, instruction and technology?

The answer to this question is potentially a huge game changer for your classroom.  The result of this fusion of instruction and technology can lead to, something we in the profession call, student engagement.

Okay, maybe you're like me and you like pictures.

You might be able to go from this...
To this...

And, while I feel like the little girl is the top photo is probably really enjoying her nap, take a look at the faces of the students in the second picture (especially that dude in the front row...he is all about this educational process).

Here's the best part, it's not as difficult as it may seem.  Believe it or not, your students will simply be happy with your effort should you choose to integrate technology into their learning.  Oh, also, they will help you.  Imagine what that may do for your classroom as you empower your students to be leaders and "show off" their knowledge.

Twenty-first century learning is not going away.  It is not a fad.  It is for real, it's here, it's now.  If you have made up your mind to stop growing, unfortunately, you have picked the worst possible time in the history of the world to check out because things are changing and progressing faster than they ever have.

But you're not alone.  Just let me know you're ready.  Call me (I still have no idea what my extension is, but I feel confident I have one), email me, text me, tweet me, FaceTime me, Skype me, we can Google+ Hangout, send out a carrier pigeon, I will be there to support you.  Now, as this blog was specifically written for my colleagues in Royse City ISD, if you are reading it from another district, you likely have someone where you are also.  Some of the brightest and most talented people I know are instructional technologist.  Also, like your students, they will simply be thrilled that you are ready to integrate.


@Zach Snow,
Instructional Technology Coordinator,
Royse City ISD

(fusion image from http://dumais.us/newtown/blog/?p=3700)
(sleepy girl image fromhttp://karenmelhuishspencer.com/2011/02/08/are-you-listening-to-me-measuring-students-engagement/)
(engaged learning image fromhttp://ged578.pbworks.com/w/page/52714966/Promoting%20Engagement%20in%20Online%20Courses)

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